You can get your school year off to a great start by establishing good study habits in your first week. You'll learn the necessary skills for writing assignments and organizing your homework schedule.
You'll be most successful in your studies if you have a well-lit, quiet, well-stocked place where you can work. Students are different though. Some do need a completely quiet room free from interruptions when they study, but others actually study better listening to quiet music in the background or taking several breaks. Find out what makes you comfortable, select a good place, and set yourself up with a great working environment.
All students learn differently. Some students can best recall information that they've seen (visual), some remember things they've heard (auditory), while others remember things they've experienced (tactile). Once you identify these strengths, you can determine your best learning style. When you discover your learning style, you'll be able to identify your most effective ways to study.
Color coded school supplies can come in useful in a number of ways, even for a very disorganized student. Just gather together a set of inexpensive, colored supplies and pick a certain color for each of your classes. You may want to start with a pack of colored highlighters, then find folders, notes, and stickers to match them. Just think: if you see a random paper floating around you’ll be able to know at a glance if it’s a history note, research paper note, or a math paper.
Just imagine receiving an instant message reminder, email, or a text message on your cell phone every time you have an important assignment due or you have to work on a project. You can easily set this up with Yahoo! Calendar. This calendar is extremely easy to use and it is perfect for students who love computers and cell phones.
Do you know how to use a word processor? Microsoft Word is the most commonly used word processor and the program most students use for writing papers. Although word processing programs can be daunting at first, Microsoft Word makes common tasks like spacing and formatting a breeze! This tutorial will help the beginning writer get started on writing a paper using Microsoft Word.
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