Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to Use a Bookmark

It can be so annoying to lose your place in a book. Even if you use a bookmark to mark your page, it can take some time to figure out exactly where you left off. But there is a method for finding your place in a book right away, every time you return to it.

The trick is using a small card, like a research note card, for a bookmark. The card should have writing on one side, so you could decorate it to suit your style.

When you stop reading, place the card on the line where you stopped reading--not at the top of the page. This way it will line up with the last line that you read.

If you left off on the odd-numbered page, always place your card front side up. If you left off on the even-numbered page, always place the card bottom side (blank side) up. Once you get used to using this trick, you'll never have to worry about finding your place in a book you're reading.

View the original article here

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