Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Algebra Order

Sometimes in math, the order in which you do certain steps matters a lot, because the order can affect your answer! This very basic overview of order in algebra can help students understand why it is important to know about the order of certain operations.

When Order Doesn't Matter

You may be surprised to know that order doesn’t matter in some cases.

Image you are going to the store to buy hot dogs, mustard, and buns. Does it matter which item you purchase first? Would it make any difference if you bought the mustard before the buns? No!

There are times in math when order doesn’t matter. Think about this long addition problem:


You can start in the back or in the middle and add those numbers in any order—but you come up with the same sum every time. If you understand this, you understand the Associative Property.

When Order Does Matter

Think back to the hot dog example from above. Image now that you are ready to assemble your picnic items into a sandwich. What if you started with mustard? That wouldn’t work, would it? You have to start with the bun!

Sometimes order does matter.

Algebra problems often contain more than one operation, which simply means they can contain a series of problems like an addition problem, a multiplication problem, and a division problem all in one.

The Order of Operations

When algebra problems contain several steps or problems, there is a very specific order in which you should work. First you solve the little problems inside the parentheses and brackets, for instance, and then you work your way outward.

This order is called the order of operations. Once you learn the rules, you’re halfway through the battle! Our Math Guide offers easy tips for remembering the correct order for working through a problem.

Hint: Be sure to study the acronyms. Once you understand this concept, you’ll find algebra much easier to understand.

View the original article here

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